Best Paper Awards 2024

PREMIA Best Student Paper Awards 2024

Winners of PREMIA Best Paper Awards 2024

Gold Award ($500)

  • Disentangling Voice and Content with Self-Supervision for Speaker Recognition
    Tianchi Liu

Silver Awards (Certificate of Merit) ($200)

  • GENTI: GPU-powered Walk-based Subgraph Extraction for Scalable Representation Learning on Dynamic Graphs
    Ningyi Liao
  • Silicon FET Reservoir for Dynamic Edge Vision
    Xiaoyu Lin
  • UPAM: Unified Prompt Attack in Text-to-Image Generation Models Against Both Textual Filters and Visual Checkers
    Duo Peng

Honourable Mention Awards ($100)

  • OpenESS: Event-based Semantic Scene Understanding with Open Vocabularies
    Lingdong Kong
  • Contrastive Graph Pooling for Explainable Classification of Brain Networks
    Jiaxing Xu
  • InteractDiffusion: Interaction Control in Text-to-Image Diffusion Models
    Jiun Tian Hoe


Call for Submission/Nomination

The Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence Association (PREMIA) invites students to participate in the PREMIA Best Student Paper Awards for papers (including journal and conference papers) accepted or published between 1 April 2023 and 31 May 2024.

Submissions can be made by the student author, supported by their supervisor, or directly nominated by the student’s supervisor.

Submission Deadline: 15 July 2024

The nominated papers will be evaluated by a review panel authorized by the PREMIA board. Shortlisted candidates will be invited to present their papers at PREMIA’s Members’ Night & Annual General Meeting in August 2024 (exact date to be announced). The awards will be determined after the presentations.

Award Categories:

  • Gold Award: Cash prize of S$500
  • Silver Awards: Cash prize of S$200
  • Honourable Mention Awards: Cash prize of S$100

Eligibility Criteria:

  1. The main author of the paper must be a PREMIA member at the time of the event. Applicants can join PREMIA at the time of submission to be eligible for the award. For membership registration or renewal, visit PREMIA Membership.
  2. The main author must be a registered student (full-time or part-time) at a tertiary education institution in Singapore at the time the paper was submitted for publication.
  3. The paper must report work done while the author was a student in Singapore.
  4. The paper must be accepted or published between 1 April 2023 and 31 May 2024, both dates inclusive, in either a journal or a conference.
  5. The paper must address a topic relevant to PREMIA. Relevant topics may include pattern recognition, machine intelligence, computer vision, speech analysis, natural language processing, robotics, multimedia, document analysis, character recognition, and more. Methods such as statistical techniques, neural networks, deep learning, evolutionary programming, and transfer learning are also considered.
  6. Shortlisted candidates are required to attend the Members’ Night event and present their papers.
  7. Each author may submit only one paper; multiple submissions from the same author are not allowed.
  8. For papers co-authored by several students, only one submission will be considered.

Submission Instructions:

  1. Submit your paper via the following link: PREMIA BSPC 2024 Submission.
  2. Attach the following documents with your submission:
    • A PDF copy of the accepted or to-be-published paper.
    • A PDF copy of the acceptance notification letter/email from the journal editor or conference organizers.
    • The supervisor’s supporting or acknowledgment email.
    • Optional supporting documents such as reviewer comments or a statement from the supervisor.