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Winners of PREMIA Best Student Paper Awards 2019

Lee Hwee Kuan Award:

        Li Jianshu - "Understanding Humans In Crowded Scenes: Deep Nested Adversarial Learning and A New Benchmark for Multi-human Parsing" - ACM MM 2018


Silver Awards: (in alphabetical order)

  1. Liu Jun - "Skeleton-Based Online Action Prediction Using Scale Selection Network" - TPAMI 2019
  2. Tang Kaihua - "Learning to Compose Dynamic Tree Structures for Visual Contexts" - CVPR 2019


Honourable Mention Awards: (in alphabetical order)

  1. Fatemeh Fahimi - "Inter-subject Transfer Learning with an End-to-end Deep Convolutional Neural Network for EEG-based BCI" - Journal of Neural Engieering 2019
  2. Liu Jun - "A Large-Scale Benchmark for 3D Human Activity Understanding" - TPAMI 2019
  3. Liu Jun - "Feature Boosting Network for 3D Pose Estimation"- TPAMI 2019


PREMIA Best Student Paper Awards 2019


Call for submission


The PREMIA Best Student Paper Award 2019 calls for submission. 



Paper submission deadline: 15 July 2019


The Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence Association (PREMIA) invites students to participate in the PREMIA Best Student Paper Awards for papers (including journal papers and conference papers) accepted or published between 1 July 2018 to 30 Jun 2019.


There are three categories of awards:

Lee Hwee Kuan Award: each paper wins a cash prize of S$1000 and gives an invited talk,

Silver Awards: each paper wins a cash prize of S$500 and gives an invited talk

Honourable Mention Awards: each winner will receive an award certificate with a cash prize of S$50.


Each winner will receive a certificate of the award from PREMIA.


The closing date for all entries is listed in PREMIA’s website or specified by PREMIA’s email notifications. Later submissions will not be attended. Awards will be announced at the PREMIA’s Annual General Meeting, which will be held on 5 Aug 2019 (7pm-10pm).



1.    The main author of the paper must be a current PREMIA member (either a Full Member or Student Member). If his/her membership has expired, he/she must renew his/her membership to be eligible for this award. If he/she is not yet a PREMIA member, he/she must apply for PREMIA membership, by the submission deadline above, in order to be eligible for this award. For membership renewal, please visit for more details.

2.    The main author must be a registered student (full-time or part-time) at one of the tertiary education institutions in Singapore at the time of submitting the paper for publication.

3.    The paper must report only the work done when the author was a student in Singapore.

4.    The paper must be accepted or published between 1 July 2018 to 30 Jun 2019, both dates inclusive, in either a journal or a conference paper.

5.    The paper must address a topic of relevance to PREMIA. Relevant topics include, but are not limited to, pattern recognition and machine intelligence, both theoretical and applied in domains such as computer vision, image processing, speech analysis, robotics, multimedia, document analysis, character recognition, knowledge engineering, fractal analysis and intelligent control, and involving methods such as statistical techniques, neural networks, deep learning, evolutionary programming, fuzzy logic, transfer learning and hardware implementation.

6. All award winners are required to attend the AGM. The winners of the Gold Award and the Silver Awards will be invited to give a talk during the AGM.


Submission Instructions

1.    Complete the PREMIA Best Student Paper Award application entry form (now available for download) and attach the following three documents:

a).  A pdf copy of the accepted paper as published or to be published.

b).  A pdf copy of the acceptance notification letter/email from the journal editor or the conference organizers AND all reviewers’ comments received prior to publication.

c).  A supporting statement from your academic supervisor in a pdf file.

2. Submission will be via email. Please email a single ZIP file containing all the above documents to PREMIA. The ZIP file size should be 5 MB or less.

3. For a paper co-authored by several students, only one submission will be considered.

4. The results will be announced at the PREMIA Annual General Meeting 2019. All candidate authors are required to attend this Meeting for the awards ceremony, otherwise they will be disqualified for the awards.


Please submit your application form or .

If you have any question regarding the PREMIA Best Student Paper Award, please contact Dr. Loke Yuan Ren (